What Is Man?

Discover Answers to Core Human Identity Questions Such As, “Who Are We?” and “Why Are We Here?”

In partnership with Third Millennium Ministries

Course Introduction

About the Course

In every culture throughout history, people have asked questions such as, “Who are we?” and “Why are we here?” The Bible tells us that we are God’s images, created to rule over creation on his behalf and to turn the world into his earthly kingdom. Sin has damaged us and complicated our work, but by God’s grace in Christ, we can be restored and our work can be completed.

Course Goals:

  • Describe humanity’s origin, composition and purpose.
  • Explore the consequences of humanity’s fall into sin.
  • Examine humanity’s covenant relationship to God.
About Third Millennium Ministries

The mission of Third Millennium Ministries is to prepare Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God’s Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free.

Their top priority is to spread the will of God to every corner of the earth through the gospel of Christ. So, Third Millennium Ministries is preparing an in-depth biblical education for Christian leaders around the world in their languages, for their lands, and absolutely free.

This mission is being fulfilled at this very moment using various mediums for distributing learning content: DVD, online streaming, radio, satellite, TV broadcast, smartphone apps, USB flash drives, and SD cards.

To learn more about Third Millennium Ministries, click here.

In the Beginning

This lecture explores what human beings were like when God first created us and placed us in the Garden of Eden.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • Were Adam and Eve historical people?
  • What are some theological implications of denying the historicity of Adam and Eve?
  • What does Psalm 8 teach us about humanity’s place in creation?
  • Do human beings consist of both material and immaterial parts?
  • What does the account of Adam’s creation teach us about our own composition?
  • Are our physical bodies an important and permanent part of us?
  • How are terms like spirit, soul, mind and heart interrelated?
  • What is the covenant of works?
  • How was God’s benevolence toward humanity expressed in Adam’s day?
  • How did Adam’s sin impact the rest of creation?
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The Image of God

This lecture examines what it means for human beings to be created in God’s image.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • What does the Bible mean when it uses the words the “image and likeness of God” to describe humanity?
  • Why do many theologians teach that being made in the image and likeness of God means that we are God’s kingly representatives on earth?
  • As God’s images, how are we similar to him and different from him?
  • What does being made in the image of God teach us about our need for relationships, both with others and with God?
  • Why is the doctrine of the image of God often associated with human beings’ rational abilities?
  • How is the fact that we are made in God’s image connected to our need to submit to God’s reign?
  • What is the significance of the biblical teaching that Jesus is the perfect image of God?
  • What does the doctrine of the image of God teach us about the dignity of human beings?
  • How did humanity’s fall into sin affect our moral ability?
  • Why has God forbidden us to worship him through images like other ancient Near-Eastern religions used?
  • How should the fact that all human beings are created in God’s image impact our treatment of those who are different from us?
  • What responsibilities to creation does God give human beings in Genesis 1 and 2?
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The Curse of Sin

This lecture examines what the Bible says about human sin, and especially its negative effects on humanity.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • What were some of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s fall into sin?
  • Why does God hold all of humanity accountable for Adam’s sin?
  • Why did God allow Adam and Eve to sin?
  • How does God’s moral law in Scripture reveal his character?
  • Since love for God and neighbor summarizes the law, is sin fundamentally unloving?
  • What do theologians mean by the term “original sin”?
  • Why did humanity’s fall into sin have such terrible consequences for humanity and creation?
  • How did God show mercy to Adam and Eve, even when giving the curse in Genesis 3?
  • How has sin affected our minds, behavior and emotions?
  • What do some theological traditions mean when they refer to humanity’s state of corruption after the Fall as “total depravity”?
  • Why does the New Testament speak so strongly against teaching false doctrines?
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The Covenant of Grace

This lecture focuses on the gracious covenant relationship God established with humanity after our fall into sin.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • In God’s eternal counsel, what plans did he make to redeem sinners?
  • Which persons of the Trinity are involved in our salvation?
  • How did the Fall affect the image of God in mankind?
  • Does the fact that the covenant with Adam was a covenant of works mean that God did not give grace to Adam before the Fall?
  • Were Old Testament saints saved on the basis of Christ’s future work?
  • What does Jesus do as the mediator of the covenant of grace?
  • What is prevenient grace?
  • What must we do to receive redemption and be saved?
  • If we’re saved by grace through faith, what motive do we have to obey God?
  • Why did Paul interpret the Abrahamic covenant as including a promise that Abraham and his offspring would inherit the whole world?
  • What benefits does Christ provide for us in the new covenant?
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