Playlist: 100 Songs for New Christians

Music shapes our hearts and minds. What we fill our ears with—for better or worse—forms who we are and what we love. This is one reason why music has loomed large in Christian worship and catechesis throughout church history. In church, we don’t only rehearse our confession by speaking creeds and hearing biblical truths preached; we sing these confessions and biblical truths. And as we sing, God’s truth roots down deeper in our souls.

As new converts navigate the jarring transition to living wholeheartedly for Christ and his kingdom, in a world where Christian values and theology are ever more alien, immersion in beautiful Christian music and worship is essential. This happens first and foremost in congregational worship settings, but it should also happen throughout the week in Christians’ homes as they dwell, in their cars as they commute, or in their headphones as they work.

In church we don’t only rehearse our confession by speaking creeds and hearing biblical truths preached; we sing these confessions and biblical truths. And as we sing, God’s truth roots down deeper in our souls.

Thanks to the accessibility of streaming music today, it’s easier than ever before to find theologically rich, high-quality Christian songs that can serve as a soundtrack for a new believer’s catechesis. But the voluminous options can be overwhelming. New adult believers unfamiliar with (or understandably skeptical of) Christian music might not know where to start.

That’s why I put together this playlist of 100 songs with a catechetical flair to them: songs that teach Christian truth and yet do it poetically, with excellence.

You can find the playlist now on Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music

While I designed the playlist with new believers in mind, it’s also a valuable curated collection for Christians at any stage. Including devotional prayers, classic and modern hymns, Scripture-based songs, and creedal anthems, these 100 songs—of various genres and from artists all over the world—are rich in nutrients for believers wherever they are on their journey of following Jesus.

Playlist Songs

Opening Prayers

Creeds and Catechisms

Five Solas

Scripture Songs

Hymns, Old and New

Closing Prayers